Hospital management principles in patients with polytrauma in face, in the area of emergency service of maxillofacial surgery. Principios del manejo hospitalario en pacientes con politraumatismo en cara, en el área de urgencias del servicio de cirugía maxilofacial

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Manotas Arevalo, Ivan
Chamorro Florez, Edder
Serpa Hoyos, Karen
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Universidad del Magdalena

When we talk about physical trauma, we refer to a type of injury or wound that directly affects the body at the somatic level. The physical trauma can be caused both by blows and by sharp wounds, that is to say, by external elements that do not penetrate in the organism as for external elements that yes do it, the initial assistance with facial polytraumatism must approach the patient from a scheme with a clear and sequential methodology, which allows an effective resuscitation and a diagnosis and treatment of all the present injuries on order of importance. In the following work it proposes to announce the processes and / or guidelines that must be born in mind to the moment to stabilize the patient with severe traumatism to level of face during the immediate attention in the area of hospitable urgencies by means of a bibliographical review, demonstrating the importance of the interdisciplinary managing for the clinical managing of this type of patients.
La siringomielia es un trastorno que consiste en la formación de uno o varios quistes en la médula espinal, que generalmente inician en la región cervical y pueden extenderse hasta la región torácica o hacia el tronco encefálico. Su etiología es multifactorial, pudiendo ser secundaria a malformación de Arnold-Chiari, causas idiopáticas, y traumatismos. Las manifestaciones clínicas son variadas presentando un curso crónico-progresivo. Se presenta el caso de una mujer de 47 años de edad con diagnóstico de siringomielia cervicotorácica, cuya manifestación inicial fue inusual, aguda y progresiva, ameritando procedimiento quirúrgico con buenos resultados. Se discute sobre la presentación clínica atípica y las medidas terapéuticas quirúrgicas empleadas en éste caso. (DUAZARY 2012 No. 2, 167 - 175)
facial trauma, polytraumatismo, interdisciplinary managing, hospitable managing, Trauma facial, Politraumatismo, Manejo interdisciplinario, Manejo hospitalario. (DeSc).