ANTHROPOLOGY AND HERITAGE IN THE MULTICULTURAL CONTEXT Antropología y patrimonio en el contexto multicultural

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Núñez, Angélica
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Universidad del Magdalena

This reflection is focused on the role of anthropology in the issue of cultural heritage and cultural policies and their relation with the local identities in the Colombian multicultural context, highlighting the archaeological heritage and the museums as important fields to explore the topic with an anthropological perspective
La reflexión que se presenta a continuación, gira en torno al papel de la antropología en la cuestión del patrimonio, las políticas culturales y su relación con las identidades locales en un contexto multicultural como Colombia, resalta el patrimonio arqueológico y los museos como campos importantes para explorar el tema desde la perspectiva antropológica. ABSTRACT This reflection is focused on the role of anthropology in the issue of cultural heritage and cultural policies and their relation with the local identities in the Colombian multicultural context, highlighting the archaeological heritage and the museums as important fields to explore the topic with an anthropological perspective. Keywords: Cultural heritage; Appropriation; Museums; Community participation
Cultural heritage, Appropriation, Museums, Community participation, Patrimonio, apropiación, museos, participación comunitaria