Selección de un sistema de tratamiento para los lodos y aguas de retrolavado producidos en la planta de agua potable Mamatoco de la ciudad de santa marta

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Martínez Mejía, Julio Cesar
Pinto Delghans, Javier David
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Universidad del Magdalena

One of the most relevant problems in the potability of water, based in conventional treatment is mud generation. Since its chemical characteristic is difficult to manage in Colombia there aren´t processes fech nologies that permit its treatment and final disposition without affecting the environment. Physical, chemical and bacteriological characterization took place in the present study of mire coming from the purge sediment retainers and the retro-washing water coming from the filter washing generated in the sedimentation and filtration stage of drinking water plant PTAP of Santa Marta, for the selection of a treating system, to technify the plant and diminish the impact caused by the mentioned residual.